International cuisine


"Kiev" chicken cutlets.

1 chicken brest
5 tsp of butter
5 tsp of chopped dill
salt, pepper
2 eggs
vegetable oil for dip frying

Washed chicken breast, cut into 4-5 pieces. Put one piece of chicken into plastic bag and smash well, but without  holes, sprinkle with salt and pepper. On the edge of meat put 1 teaspoon of butter and 1 teaspoon of chopped dill, wrap it well. Then dip the roll into a breadcrumbs, then into eggs ( do it 3 times, the last layer should be breadcrumbs). Heat a large quantity of vegetable oil (cutlets should float) , and fry the cutlets until the golden brown color. Then put them into a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 10min.
Serve cutlets on toasts. It helps to absorb the extra oil.

Bon appetite!

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